Located in small town called Wilder, Kentucky, Bobby Mackey's Music World has found claim to fame. The nightclub offering live country music, line dancing, and even a mechanical bull, also has a side note offer of regular ghost tours. So, how did a country music nightclub get such a high paranormal recommendation, and dubbed "Gateway to Hell."
The building actual wasn't anything close to a nightclub/ dance bar originally, it was first a slaughter house and meat-packing facility was constructed to serve northwestern Kentucky and nearby Cincinnati, Ohio. In the lowest part of the building, a well was dug and used to hold the blood, guts and waste from the slaughtered animals, on the property in early 1850. The site was later torn down for a roadhouse that had a lot of different names, such as The Brisbane. Some believe that after the slaughterhouse closed in the 1890s, there was Satanic cult activity which took place with the well in the basement. They believe that animals, and possibly humans, were sacrificed for ritual purposes. Though no proof can be found around these beliefs.
- 1896- 22-year-old Pearl Bryan, came from a Greencastle, Indiana to the Fort Wright area to find her boyfriend, but instead made headlines. Pearl's headless corpse was discovered in a field two-four miles from the slaughterhouse, undetermined which distance is correct.
Pearl was pregnant and came to Kentucky to find her boyfriend, Scott Jackson, a student at the Ohio College of Dental Surgery. Rumor and speculation of the outcome is that, Jackson and his roommate, Alonzo Walling, met her and attempted the abortion using dental tools. The abortion went horribly wrong and Pearl died. In attempt to cover the death up, they removed her head and left her body in a empty field, near the slaughterhouse. John Huing, a man working the fields found the body, and police caught Jackson and Walling, only because they left Pearls' clothes on and she was identified as the missing girl from Indiana.
Jackson and Walling were hung shortly after at the local court house, also not far from the slaughterhouse.
Pearl's severed head was never discovered. There is no proof to these speculation but some say Jackson had ties to a Satanic cult, and knew to take the head to the well in the basement and it would never be found, or that they later used it for a ritual.

-1920s- The slaughterhouse was knocked down and the lot was empty until the 1920s. A building was built during the prohibition, it was used as a speakeasy/nightclub.
-1933- E.A. "Buck" Brady bought the building and named it the "Primrose." Mobsters in Cincinnati, Ohio found out about the operation of a the casino/ club and tried to force Brady to work with them, sell, or else. Brady refused to work with them nor sell, and the mobsters began to become violent with patrons and employees of the club. Brady got fed up and pulled a gun on a mobster by the name of Albert "Red" Masterson. He was then charged with attempted murder and left the business in 1946.
-1950s- The "Latin Quarter" the most well-known part of what is now Bobby Mackeys. The Latin Quarter was a nightclub where bands and people would come to drink and enjoy the night with music and alcohol. Johanna, the nightclub's owner and dance hall girl, fell in love with one of the band singers, Robert Randall. When she got pregnant, her father found out about her intentions to run away with the man, and had him killed with his mob connections. Johanna learned of what happen, poisoned her father, then went into the dressing room in the basement of the building and hung herself. Speculations about a poem written on the wall maybe hers, as well as the smell of rose-scented perfume being found in the dressing room.

-1978- The local authorities closed the club after a series of fatal shootings.
Bobby Mackey who's full name is Robert Randall Mackey, a young country singer purchased the building. He turned it into the music hall and tavern that we know it as today.

The Paranormal Claims:
- Multiple people claim phenomena have been present since day one. Bobby, himself, has stated that he isn't sure what is going on but that he believes what other people, family and employees, has told him.
- Licking River- people of the paranormal believe that water is a gateway and energy booster, the fact that the river flows directly beside it helps bring the energy in the building to a high level.
- The gateway/portal to hell- the well- many think that the well allows demons and/or evil spirits into the building. The claims of blood, animal and possibly human sacrifice has dubbed the well a gateway to Satan himself, allowing his demons or evil spirits to run free inside the building.

- The old caretaker- the caretaker who lived in the upstairs apartment claims to have been possessed by a demon and had an exorcism in the building by a minister.
- There is a sound proof room, this room is believed to be where mobsters would torture people to get information or punish them for betrayal. Here is the door way accessing the room.

- There has been different claims from patron including: intense heat out of nowhere, flying objects, seeing a man with a handlebar mustache repeating "dying well/ dying well" in Latin, and the smell of rose-scented perfume, Johannas favorite, the dressing room where she died.
- Lastly shadow figures all thorough-out the building, especially on the stairs going down into the well.
