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Twin City Opera House

Writer: Crossover ResearchCrossover Research

Twin City Opera House written by Dawn Andrews VA chapter

The Twin City Opera House was built in 1892. It is in the little sleepy town of

McConnelsville, Ohio. But before it was built there was a fire on that very corner. But, no one really knows much about the fire or if anyone died from it. Today it still serves as it did when it was built, as a government office upstairs going to the bell tower as a live-performance and movie theater. The opera house was built as a vaudeville house and was used for dance

performances, and also for comedy shows.

Then along came the silent films and these became popular in the year of 1930’s. All

the silent films where black and white. Then, in 1936 the Opera House took on a

major renovation to put in new projection equipment so it could be up to date with all

the new style type of films. This all took place during the depression times, which was

pretty much a hard time to be putting in new things for the Opera House.  Now, if you go to the people of the little town and ask them about the fire, they will say "I don’t remember a fire happening." Which is a little crazy! But, the town also has a lot of war history built in to it, and has history of the underground railroad. So, the opera house also had tunnels coming into it and they said that it was used to bring slaves in to set them free. 

The opera house has never closed it doors at all. It has stayed open all the years and

still to this day does movies on the weekends. The opera house has made changes to keep

up with the times. They even stream shows when they have them.  Even though it has been through a lot, a men named Eric Glosser came and did a investigation there, and has gotten so much evidence that even he will tell you its hunts are amazing. He even went to the owner told him everything and made the comment you should let other investigators come through and you can make a business of it. which he did!

Now this place has been on a TV show called Portals to Hell, which aired back in

2019. So you will have to check that out. So, lets talk spirits that you may come a

cross in the building when you go there. There is a spirit named Robert Lowery or

also Known as “Red Wine Robert” he loved to drink red wine. He likes to hang out on

the cat walk with another spirit. She is a 10 year old girl that was the daughter of the

Singer Victoria. The little girl name is Elizabeth. You will hear her playing up on the

cat walk. She got sick and died of a fever while her mother was preforming. You can

hear and sometimes see Victoria on stage if you sit quietly. 

Down in the basement there is Charlie. He is a much darker spirit they even say

he demonic. He comes and goes through the tunnels which are now sealed shut. Now

up in the tower is another dark spirit whom just wants to be left alone. He doesn’t

like people in his space and that is in the area of the Ball Room. There’s also Evert, he

likes for you to be seated in the right sets. If not he will let you know and that your not where

you are to be seated. 

Now that I have told you a little bit about the history, let me tell you about some of our

experiences that we had while we investigated it. 

When we got there, we did the tour and then we grabbed our gear and went into two

different teams. Our team was me, Jeffrey, Boots and Haylee. We started up stairs in

the ballroom. Which was very odd feeling to me and the others. We started with an

evp session and started a spirit box. At first we weren’t getting much and

then we got the other spirit box going, and a lot began to come through. We also

noticed a dark figure in the door way to the tower. We felt odd and heard a bang off

to the side of the ballroom and the door opened up some. We asked if it wanted us to

leave and it did, so we left.

Once we went down the steps to go to the Upper level of balcony we hard what sounded

like someone else coming down behind us. No one was there. We decided to film on

the upper level and set up the rem pod. As I started to set it up, at the door going

to the hall into the ballroom, the door opened and slammed shut. Not

going to lie I crapped my pants!

The k2 meter keep staying on yellow the whole time Jeffrey was holding it which I

took as it was following him. It didn’t stop till we went down stairs and went to the lobby.

Then we all regrouped and decide to see if we could hear and see Victoria on stage. 

While we all seated ourselves apart, Jeffrey and Boots, heard Evert yell into their ears

which meant they where in the wrong spot. When they moved we all continued to sit

quietly, me and Jeffrey, had a feeling of anxiousness and felt like something was bad

going to happen. We couldn’t shake that feeling at all. But, we set there and I’m glad

we did because we heard a female's voice two times. When I told the sweet lady who was our guide, and played my video back for her, she said that was the daughter Elizabeth. Which to me was a great catch! After we got our things out and set in the lobby we all felt better.

But, here is the odd thing about this investigation, after our tour and we started to set up Jeffrey’s bag of extra batteries and cords disappeared, and my Holy Water also was gone. We looked every where and did not find it, we still don't know how or where they went. 

Just a little friendly reminder don’t poke at the spirits here, because they may just poke back!


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