Tilly Bend is one of the most amazing church haunted locations we have ever been too. Elizabeth Bradley, part Cree and worked as a local healer. Some believed she was a witch, she had two daughters, one married a Tilly and the other a Stanley. One morning during a service, the Stanleys shot up the church killing the pastor and Elizabeths daughter.

In revenge, the men of Tilly Bend raided the Stanleys and killed Elizabeths other husband. Elizabeths daughter died a short time later in child birth. Elizabeth vowed revenge on both the Tilly and Stanleys, and every year after every child born by them died. The people of the Tillys came to Elizabeths house, brought her to Tilly Bend Church and hung her from a tree in the cemetery. They buried her where she hung facing West, all others facing East. But, with her last breath she vowed to come back and haunt all how came here. Children continued to die in both communities so the people believed that Elizabeth had come back and possessed her sister-in-law Mary Bradley. The people came to her home, took her to the same tree and hung her. Only difference was that she was bured East because it wasnt her fault she was possessed. Today you can hear children crying in the cemetery, a woman came be seen under the tree, and a man speaking inside the church. Local lore is that if you go with another person, walk around the church, one going one way and another the other 6 times, you wont pass the other the 6th time. Also, if you bring baby toys to the cemetery, children will giggle and play with you.
