The history and unexplained of the suspected haunted location known as Waverly Hills:
1883- Major Tomas H. Hays buys the property outside of Louisville, KY, he then decided to build a school house for his daughter. He hired a school teacher Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the tiny school, her love for the Waverly Novels, she named the school Wavery. Major Hays liked the name so much he named the whole property Waverly Hills.

1907- The Board of Tuberculous Hospitals found the location for the site of the a first hospital in the region. The location was ideal due to the distance for the local community, open scenery and large acreage for being self-sufficient. Tuberculous is extremely contagious being an air bacteria, the bacterial infection can eat away at the persons lungs and effect other areas of the body as it spreads. So, the board decided the Waverly Hills property was an ideal location for a 2 story, 40-50 patient, hospital where the people there can be in quarantine, growing their own food, farm animals and even post office.
1910- The hospital offically opened

1926- The Tuberculous pandemic has grown to needing advancement in medical resources and patient room. The once 50 patient max building has grown to 140+. The Waverly Hills hospital is now known as the Waverly Hills Tuberculous Sanatorium and recognized as the best TB hospital in the East. The hospital has grown to be a 5 story building on a hill over looking the property. Now able to hold 500 patients, a playground and rec-yard for activities.
- The idea for the building being on hill placement was to give the patients a nice view with plenty of air.
- During this time medical experimentation was taking place, removal of the last ribs and electroshock therapy, but with over 1,000 deaths a year, research of techniques was as a last hope rather than cruel torture.
- Waverly Hills was the worst hit and at one point extremely over populated due to location, Franklin county and surrounding area is very warm and wet weather, causing a breeding ground for bacteria.
- The deaths there are undetermined, many estimate 10-15,000
- Locals after a flood that ran there for safety and a dry place to stay, claim that the sanatorium was very clean, well-kept, and had great food. They went on to state that the patients were not as sad as you would assume, they were playing games, raising each others spirits with activities and made the best with their situation.
1961- The facilities was closed due to the antibiotic being found that treated and cured TB. The building was closed, quarantined and reopened as WoodHaven Medical Services- an elderly facility.
1962- WoodHaven opened to house the elderly- claims of mistreatment, lack of health care and horrible conditions, the locals protested the shut-down of the facility and in turn closed it's doors claiming lack of staff for upkeep in 1982.
2001- The buildings ran empty, dilapidated and the earth began to take the building back until Charles "Chad" and Tina Mattingly bought the property. They bought Waverly, because the city was gonna tear it down, so they bought the building to save it. The idea of cleaning it up and starting a fresh new look, turned into the paranormal take over, and many renowned investigators have visited. Tina has stated that she would like to turn it into a Bed and Breakfast, and continue to keep the upper floors for investigations.
Experiences and Claims of the Unexplained:
- The 1st floor- the very first floor holds the morgue and medical rooms, there are many whom suspect that a persons last place of life holds residual energy or even their spirits within those walls. Here on the first floor there is cases of high activity in the Electroshock Room and The Morgue-- screaming, orbs, EVPs and appropriations have been captured.
- 3rd Floor- Timmy a young boy who loves to intact with people, bring him a blue ball, and he will bounce, move and interact with you. Here on the 3rd, you can also hear laughing and sightings of him and other children.
- 4th Floor- The nurses waiting room has had multiple sightings and EVPs.
- 5th Floor- room 502- 2 deaths have been said to happen here. The first is a woman who either jump or was pushed off the balcony outside the room. The second is of a woman that was found hanging outside the room. The story of her death is not for certain but rumors state that she became pregnant with a doctors child. When the doctor told her to get rid of it, and no way to do so, she gave herself an abortion, then hung herself due to quilt. Now, rumors also say that the doctor gave her a botched abortion, killing her and he then hung her to cover her death. Room 503- no one can explain why or what activity causes it, but batteries and electronics will die.
- The Body Chute- a 500 ft tunnel out of site from patients where they would take the deceased to a make shift morgue at the end. The Chute was originally for heating and supply delivery but as the body count continued to climb the buildings morgue became incapable of handling the deceased, then claiming the tunnel as it's way to transport and keep the amount of deaths away from the patients knowledge.
Pictures of Floors:
